There are several committees available for you to assist within the association. Please take a look at some of the committee s avaialble. If you are interested in joining, please see one of the Board members for details and to sign up.
Committee Leader - Open
Intended to promote fellowship throughout the community by sponsoring welcoming and outreach events.
Committee Leader - Open
Evaluates, critiques, and makes recommendations regarding all aspects of the Association's communications. Promotes healthy communication between the OST Board and the homeowners, and represents the best interest of the community and all homeowners on all matters coming before the committee.
Committee Leader - Open
Helps the Board fulfill its fiscal and oversight responsibilities.
Architectural Review Committee
Committee Leader - Board of Directors
This committee helps to maintain the aesthetics of the community set by the builder and protected by the covenants. Due to the potential impact of this committee's findings, this committee is operated solely by the Board of Directors.
Neighborhood Watch Committee
Committee Leader - Open
This is a crime prevention committee whose purpose is to help OST continue to be a safe place to live. This committee will strive to help make OST homeowners aware of the steps they can take to further increase the level of security in OST. This committee will team up with the local authorities to learn how to educate homeowners and sponsor events that will keep homeowners informed.